Traffic Calming Petition

Alouette Valley Neighborhood Petition

We, the undersigned residents of the Alouette Valley, concerned citizens and visitors to Maple Ridge request that the City of Maple Ridge Engineering department take prompt action to address the major traffic issues that are negatively impacting the safety and enjoyment of the unique, fragile and precious Alouette River Valley.

Neighbourhood suggested strategies to achieve key deliverables in a reasonable and cost-effective time frame.

  • Vertical Deflection (Speed Cushions, slots, tables etc)
    1. Simple, effective and relatively inexpensive.
    2. Newer versions allow for free passage for emergency vehicles
  • In street Ped-Zone signs.
    1. Simple, effective and inexpensive. Work without slowing emergency vehicles.
    2. Can be used in crosswalks, wildlife crossings and areas of reduced visibility i.e.bridges and curves. NO impact on wildlife, trees, properties or the river.
  • Restrict heavy truck traffic to local traffic only.
    1. Abernethy Way was built for commercial truck traffic, 132nd Avenue was built for rural traffic.
    2. New 232nd Street Bridge can now withstand the heavier truck traffic.
  • Direct Golden Ears Park/Alouette Lake traffic to continue straight on 128th Avenue and Abernethy Way.
    1. Increase visibility, message and number of signs on Abernethy Way.
    2. (Google Maps and most GPS currently guide travellers to 132nd Avenue, resulting in unnecessary traffic on the road)

The time has come for a sensible cost-effective and timely solution to the agreed upon goals for this community neighbourhood that is widely used and enjoyed by visitors and residents alike!

Click Here to Sign the Petition.

Note we are not collecting email addresses so you will NOT be added to any spam email lists.


  1. Allison Kvist
    June 28th, 2018 at 09:22 | #1

    Option 1

  2. Shawn stone
    June 28th, 2018 at 09:41 | #2

    Please do something before a human life is taken

  3. Shannon Moore
    June 28th, 2018 at 09:53 | #3

    Def need to do something on that road. So many horses live there

  4. Dominika Jarczyk
    June 28th, 2018 at 10:04 | #4

    More equestrian signage and speed bumps!!!

  5. Ania Drygalski
    June 28th, 2018 at 17:51 | #5

    Drove down it today and no one was doing the speed limit.

  6. Lisa
    June 29th, 2018 at 07:39 | #6

    Equestrian signage

  7. June 29th, 2018 at 23:29 | #7

    The city is spending a fortune upgrading 232 for bike lanes, to be truthful it’s a huge waste of money and destruction of peoples property, why they are not upgrading 132 is beyond me. I drive up and down 132 everyday. I agree with all the strategies suggested in the petition.

  8. Laura M
    June 30th, 2018 at 12:09 | #8

    Yes please. Whatever it takes to somehow get through to impatient drivers. More signs, bigger signs, signs all over the damn place… Maybe even huge, bright memorial signs along 132nd for all the horses who have been killed on that road. Perhaps that might raise awareness and encourage drivers to slow down, possibly prevent any further on this road. Thoroughly educating unaware drivers of the danger of driving/speeding past any given horse/rider/pedestrian in such close proximity might be a good step towards a future of safety, for the local equestrian community in particular. Huge penalties should be in place for those who refuse to slow down, pass wide, and who continue to jeprodize the lives and safety of those they are supposed to be sharing the road with.

    Three horses killed on 132nd Avenue since 2004.
    One was too many. Three is outrageous. When will this stop?

  9. July 13th, 2018 at 19:47 | #9

    Unfortunately as time has proven, signage is not an adequate deterrent. Too many people look at the sign and feel it doesn’t apply to them. Perhaps looking at speed bumps would be a more viable option as even an illiterate driver will learn very quickly they need to slow down. I am constantly appalled and disgusted at the lack of respect for not just our equine friends but our fellow mankind in this simple act of respect

  10. July 13th, 2018 at 19:48 | #10

    Unfortunately as time has proven, signage is not an adequate deterrent. Too many people look at the sign and feel it doesn’t apply to them. Perhaps looking at speed bumps would be a more viable option as even an illiterate driver will learn very quickly they need to slow down. I am constantly appalled and disgusted at the lack of respect for not just our equine friends but our fellow mankind in this simple act of respect I’m trying to post this and it saying that this is a duplicate which it’s not, as anybody else run into this?

  11. Catherine Clarke
    July 13th, 2018 at 20:03 | #11

    Vertical deflection! At the very least!

  12. Rhonda Ennis
    July 14th, 2018 at 00:01 | #12

    There is a tragic lack of awareness and respect for the nature of the community here. Speeding on roads bordering acreages and equestrian properties will continue to cause deaths as the level of traffic increases unless the city takes responsibility for ensuring the safety of it’s residents both two and four legged.

  13. Heather Brookes
    July 14th, 2018 at 06:29 | #13

    Lost a friend in a horse vehicle accident in Maple Ridge 30 years ago…too sad this keeps happening